Thursday 25 February 2016

#TDDOrigami - A new origami project every day

Hello everyone!

Sorry I have been so quiet on the blog recently but I hope that during March that will change and there will be some more regular blog posts.

This year, one of my New Year's resolutions was to try new crafts just for fun. I have tried painting (both in acrylic and watercolours), resin casting and just recently origami.

Origami is something which always looks really relaxing and fun to do. I have made the odd thing with help from Youtube videos but it is not a craft which I have really tried. So, this week I bought an origami set and am setting myself the challenge of making 1 piece of origami per day just for fun.

I made my first today (a little raincoat) and couldn't resist sharing on social media as I was rather proud of my little creation!! It got me thinking and I decided it would be fun to post each of my new creations to my social media as a way to document what I have made, share with you guys what I am making and also motivate me to keep making them!

If you would like to follow along and see the different origami projects that I will be making please search the hashtag #TDDOrigami 

I will mainly be posting up on Instagram  and Twitter 

I am a total beginner so starting from easy makes and hopefully getting harder. If any of you make origami I would also love to see, please do share your makes to #TDDOrigami 

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